Starting your own business is not a simple task. On the contrary, it has a series of implications that will completely transform your life and the way you see the world. This is why you truly need to understand the reasons that are driving you to start your own business and if you have developed the skills necessary for this kind of venture. Discovering the real reasons for starting your own business When I hear people say, "I can open a small business, hire an employee, and I ll just receive the money from the sales," I realize this person has never owned a business. This description is related more to an "investor," whose work is very different than the one of "business owner." Having your own business can mean working as you have never worked before and will challenge all your abilities to the maximum extent. Several years can pass before your business "breaks even" and becomes profitable. Nevertheless, once established, by owning your own business you can achieve your personal dreams and generate well-being for others through the creation of jobs and wealth. In addition, your own business could give you independence by allowing you to work for yourself and take the reins of your own destiny. Yes, the rewards are multiple, but the ride is not necessarily smooth. This is why you should research as much as possible before beginning such a task. Many businesses advisors have recommend visiting a business similar to the one you want to start or even work as an employee, observing the personnel, clients, and the distribution of the merchandise or services. Can you picture yourself directing a business like this? What would you do the same? What would you do differently? What could you do to improve it? Personality traits of the successful entrepreneur Although it is almost impossible to define who will be successful starting a business and who will not, all successful entrepreneurs share similar traits, abilities, and attitudes. Some of these are listed below. Creativity and Innovation. These people "think outside the box," are open to new ways of doing things, and have the ability to recognize opportunities when they see them. They are people who use creativity to solve the problems. Experts on execution. Successful entrepreneurs are highly motivated individuals who have the ability to make things happen. Their favorite phrase is "let s do it," and they are able turn thoughts and ideas into concrete results. Leaders. Leaders are credible and influential people. They use their influence on others to reach common goals. Persistence and high frustration tolerance. Nobody is born knowing everything. Most of successful entrepreneurs have failed in some way or another, learned from their mistakes, made corrections, and then moved forward until they succeed. Nothing guarantees that they won t fail again! However, they have they right mindset: "If at first you don t succeed, try again!" Problem solvers. Successful entrepreneurs know that problems are a normal part of business. By analyzing problems that could arise, they are able to avoid greater consequences by using their creative methods to solve them. Interest in continued personal and professional development. A successful entrepreneur recognizes that quality training is an asset, not a liability. They read everything they can on general business subjects and their particular industry, and they attend as many related events as possible. They are constantly thinking about how they can become better. If you have all these abilities, don t wait any longer - You are ready to start your own business! If not, don t be discouraged, as these traits can be learned. Research the particular skill you want to develop by signing up for related courses, observing those who have the abilities that you are looking for, and learning how they developed them. Having these skills will make you a successful entrepreneur. Diego Ba uelos holds a bachelor degree in computer science in the Metropolitan University in Mexico City. He specializes in the creation and distribution of commercial software products. Since 1996, he has been an entrepreneur and senior consultant in the IT industry. Original article located at
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