The reasons not too difficult, and the main of them are listed below. They are not necessarily mutually exclusive or inclusive. They are based on observation and personal experiences of the author. In addition author gives you a list of questions or statements that you should answer before you commitment to Internet business. This is a big commitment, even if the investment may not appear large. Like any new business that should not be entered into lightly.
Problem areas
These only some of the major areas which are the roots of the problem.
1. Incompatibility between you and businesses. Consider the nature of the work, commitment, the product of other accomplices. Some people simply consider the financial aspects.
2. Your finances. Inadequate startup funds; inadequate cash flow, unexpected expenses
3. False advertising company. Exaggeration statement of financial rewards; inability to provide a complete picture of the benefits and costs.
4. Your knowledge, skills and emotions. Over-optimism, gullibility, ignorance, immaturity, inexperience, poor decisions ability, inadequate or lack of knowledge and skills. All they limit your chances of success.
5. Inadequate RESEARCH your company, its claims, its critics, the company associates.
6. NO needs assessment. ie not a game plan. You gave little considered a kind of business you want to work in. Your only goal is to make big money " & quot;, no, I will be successful and you will enjoy working.
People search business will have to act in the methodical and systematic basis, unemotionally and rationally. They need to set out its requirements, a list of purchases, what they want, what they need, and in depth look at what the business under control has to offer.
You require two Excel spreadsheets or Word table for the tabulation of results
1. In the first table you should join your field (ie variables that need to consider). Place fields on the vertical plain. Horizontal must write their answers;
2. In the second table, you should have a vertical same areas. On the horizontal you would have all the companies you are considering. Each unit can be used to truncated text and numeric scores on a scale of 1-10, where 1 " " is poor or inadequate, and " 10 " is excellent "
Give a lot of spreadsheets room, as it should be a long document, if you plan to do the task properly.
a. personal characteristics. A list of your strengths? (for example, a good communicator, a good sense of humor, gregarious, unemotional on the list of your weaknesses (such as short-tempered, lazy, untidy, disorganized, unfriendly)
b. PROFESSIONAL characteristics. The list of the strengths (eg team, a good publicist, organized, stress or The list of deficiencies proof (for example, not the team player, not like other people, lazy, disorganized)
c. your commitment, interest, knowledge and skills, and for that particular business. With the commitment expected from you?, and you can do this? How much or active interest is necessary? or Do you need any special knowledge and skills?
d. PERSONAL compatibility. or you are going to stand on with the owners of other accomplices? or Are you interested in the product? or you intend to use the new activities, responsibilities that could become a new life? Are you going to get a family member cooperation?
e. FINANCE as start-up money do you have (Do not say no. likely to be at least $ 1000)? costs or monthly What you& 39;re going to need (for example , Licence fees, telephone, marketing costs, buying leads, advertising? Money or for further " hidden " Buy-in/up-sell about the main Setting up your office, your purchase / modernization of equipment, consultant fees or When breaking even could happen? You are unlikely to make money in the beginning. Can you bear the expenses for this time?
f. TIME. Or How many hours it would take you to create business? Or how many hours you can safely conduct business on the day on a permanent basis? Or How many hours does the company say you have to spend? Are they compatible? Or you need to participate in conferences away from home? Who will pay? List of your other personal, professional and social commitments, and make sure you have time for this new obligations properly.
g. COMPANY. You may very well be your personal act together, but you looked very closely at the company. The vast majority of Internet companies, at least one major fatal flaw, and you probably To exit the losers if unite with them. Exaggeration at all levels is a big problem. There is a large-BS time, with many of these companies, and you must do your due diligence research company. Of course, there are companies with a fatal shortcomings with whom you can still make a lot of money. " No rule caveat emptor " - buyer beware-applies here.
Consider after carefully. Who or owners? What is their background? What other companies have, or are they? How successful they were ? Can you get arms length Responses to the owners? Or how long the company in the market? What is its financial situation? Or how many people have already joined? How many are still active? With or you can learn about other people together? Ask or accidental list of people have joined, so you can talk with him or search the web carefully comment on the company or " Is there money back & quot; policy? Does unconditional? Or What is the product (s)? He is for real or irrelevant? whether it will probably fall out of favor with buyers? How to describe the owners or companies, for example MLM network marketing? or ask to see companies policies and procedures manual, and its strategic plan, if he is one. Who do you report Or, if you have any questions? Or What kind of training will provide the company whether you!
to pay for it?
Too often, people entering a new business in the euphoria, heightened emotional state of mind. Regardless of pressure to join, give yourself enough time to consider the pros and cons .& 39;s Better not to join than to be pressure to join us wrong. I do not listen to all the nonsense about your not having any courage or unable to take the risk. This sales exaggeration that you must treat contempt it deserves. Remember, you make a mistake, no one will you from the bales. Good luck!
The author invites you to examine the company he joined after careful consideration and after making bad mistakes in advance. It He believes that close to ideal. business credit
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