With teleclasses, I thought I had hit & 39; personal development Motherload. I could simply bridgeline a teleconference line in the comfort of my own home and 10-150 must be connected with d & 39; other people in the world, all of which are gathered in a call to find out more about a particular subject. In addition, in many cases, the class was free or at low cost, and I & 39; n had no need to dress & 39; s lead & 39; No matter where, to find and pay for parking, or spend the night, so many elements that & 39; j & 39; would make if it were a - For seminar or conference. What could be more simple?
So, & 39; that is what & 39; a TV, anyway? A TV is a conference call where everyone on the line can hear and talk with everybody. You 10-500, and among other registrants call a telephone number (usually an issue where your long-distance rates apply & 39; s long-distance) to your designated time and you will be welcomed by the host country or TV - Chief. Teleclasses were compared to a school grad discussion - some speeches, some issues, some discussion. As a participant, it is easy to listen and absorb it, or to engage in discussion.
Fast forward to the moment, and I & 39; have come a long way since then in my tele-education. J & 39; have now carried out tons of teleclasses on a variety of subjects, and now a group of coaching programme, which is being conducted solely on a teleconference bridgeline. More and more companies and large companies use this concept in the teleconference conduct virtual meetings with remote employees worldwide, or to provide training to those same people.
Teleclasses are an excellent way for people of & 39; get a taste " " what you Provide without major expenditures. Many independent experts & 39; free services teleclasses use as a marketing tool which enables participants to get acquainted with them, or as an introduction to a fee-based course or program that they put & 39; sale. Instead of dealing with the inconvenience caused by putting on a live event, such as finding a place & 39;, & 39; organize parking, the restoration and establishment of & 39; AV needs and the promotion of & 39; event, you can provide an almost identical experience with a lot less trouble and much less Cost.
So to & 39; advance, which should cover about your television? Here are 3 great resources where you can get some ideas for TV: Teleclass.com, TeleclassInternational.com and Seminar Announcer.com.
Teleclass.com Teleclassinternational.com and both offer a tele-chief. Once you have completed the training & 39;, you get through your list of TV on their website and in their letter by email & 39; information for a nominal fee. SeminarAnnouncer.com allows you to list your event, free of charge, and no special training is required to your list event.
Once you have a topic in mind, recently, the design of the TV. & 39; N If you have ever had to plan a program, the determination of the amount of content to offer versus how & 39; s discussion may prove difficult, or simply to determine in what order to present your information can be a little overwhelming Here is a list of 20 questions you can use to help you design your television, as provided in the newsletter, Today & 39; s Coach: http://www.todayscoach.com/2003/021003.html
How Do you find a bridgeline for television? J & 39; get my bridgeline free to http://www.freeaudioconferencing.com & 39;. One characteristic that is VERY important & 39; have on your bridgeline is the ability to cut all participants. J & 39; have been on too many of & 39; calls when someone & 39; brings a lot of static or resonate strongly in & 39; appeal. As a leader, you can disable other calls and eliminate the background noise, if your bridgeline has this feature, and just reactivate the participants when you want to open the floor for questions. The ability to do this will allow & 39; eliminate many headaches for you and your participants.
Now you have built (TV), will they come? You may have to do a bit of the & 39; education for your target market let them know about the concept of teleclasses because it & 39; n is not a term that is known to all. Then you need to promote your event, as you could do a live event - send press releases, buy advertising (if any), notices sent to your e-mail newsletter or the list, friends and colleagues inform everyone on their lists, he said in one of & 39; television ad, the sites listed above, or & 39; display on lists Discussion appropriate.
If n & 39; that you have not used either with your class and Teleclass.com Teleclassinternational.com, which both provide for registration teleclasses, you want to have a mechanism on your website to take courses recordings . I use my cart d & 39; purchase for this feature, and you can register for a free 30-day trial of this service here: http://www.kickstartcart.com/app/?pr=31& id = 59401 Free video tutorials on how to use this basket can be found here: http://www.shoppingcarttraining.com/.
I strongly encourage you to register all teleclasses you so that you can get them in several ways: having it available for free on your site, and convert MP3 to sell the MP3 file or the & 39; access to it, converting it into a package of CD & 39; s and offer those for sale or send them as podcast.
Teleconferences are a very inexpensive d & 39; broaden your reach throughout the world. Select a topic, invite your contacts, and get started today!
Copyright 2006 Donna Gunter nadene frederic
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